Friday, January 25, 2013

Living the Naturally Sweet Lifestyle

I have not drunk a Dr. Pepper, drinks containing caffeine, or sweets since mid-November. At the time, I was about to begin Phentermine. Something changed inside my body. Drinking Dr. Pepper, tea, Cocoa Cola, and stimulants from chocolate candy were not going to lead to the path of righteousness. Since November, I have joked about needing a Dr. Pepper when the world became too stressful. However, I have not physical visited a store to buy caffeine over the past few months.

Leading a sober and healthy lifestyle since mid-November has not been easy. There are sins of the American food market I am unable to be around. My food addiction was tested this week. I was able to go to a store one day and I avoided going to the dairy section in a corporate franchise. By the dairy section are numerous brands of sodas and sweets. Oatmeal Crème Pies and other goodies were displayed on shelves. The bakery is a section I do not feel safe going by alone. I did buy a small carton of Yoplait Peach Frozen Yogurt, peaches, and sleep wear.

The frozen yogurt is still in my freezer. On the night of the twenty-third, I ate a few spoon-full bites of frozen yogurt with a half a peach cut up into slices. That was all my body needed. I wanted to celebrate with something sweet to eat for dessert. I was raised to celebrate important events. I did not want to celebrate the big event with a cake, frosting, and ice cream. I still had the goal of weighing 125 pounds on my mind.

Since being on Phentermine, I learned the key to food success is to taking time when chewing and swallowing food. Another tip I learned years ago of brushing teeth right after eating came from Fitness magazine. As insane as this may sound, if I must take a small set containing tooth paste and a tooth brush in public to be successful on this weight loss goal, I will. I do not buy little mints or gum. What makes these two items taste good? Something I want off my teeth, which is sugar! I don’t want to have a co-dependency with sugar.

As far as I concerned, artificial sugar and I have been granted a divorce in the court of Amanda-Leigh. Man-made artificial sugars are not going to steer me to losing weight. Artificial sugars, caramel flavors and I may have had a long love-love relationship, but this does not mean my body did well. I was tired, less active, and had a greater chance for developing another blood clot. Plus, drinking soda and eating at fast food places did not do wonders for my skin. What I put into my body left me with a belly, a big booty, larger thighs, and bigger bust lines.  

This lifestyle was not what God wanted for me. I have discovered this over the last few months. Being able to admit I do not need to eat any more food is my responsible alone. I am responsible for my actions. I am responsible for taking care of myself. I am responsible for knowing my body better than anybody else. I prefer being naturally sweet. This means consuming fruits such as peaches, pineapple, bananas, apples, watermelons, etc. I also enjoy eating half a carton of small yogurt. I eat cereal for breakfast, Slim-Fast for lunch, and healthy snack bars or peanut butter crackers as snacks.

Drinking Dr. Pepper and eating sweets is not a place I wish to revisit. I depended on Dr. Pepper and sweets as my mood boosters. I was not dependent on the Word much. I depended on a credit card to save me also. This led to my downfall. Much like the lyrics in Meatloaf’s song “I Would Do Anything for Love,” the same was true for me when it came to food. Food was on my mind every hour of every day. I had to be surrounded by food in order to be happy in this world. I was trapped on an open boat and seemed like the life boat that would take me ashore.
The more I began to leave food behind, the lighter I felt. More people on the shore could see the fire I made on my boat to call for a rescue. Granted, my wooden boat did burn up and I was rescued. This is not the point though. My life changed the first time I stopped drinking soda and eating junk food. I began to see myself as a new person. I did not have to be dependent on an outlet that would sink me on a wooden boat. I wanted to become a better person. I wanted to see how new clothes would fit me. I began to have self-respect and more discipline. Everything in life began to make sense. I also began to love myself, and this was a great feeling!

I have begun to think to go back to college for a Bachelor of Arts. I have my Associates in Liberal Studies. I am very happy teaching on here each morning through writing. I would like to find an online program in my state that offers a Bachelor of Arts in Literature or one that offers a Criminal Justice degree program. I am at the first stage of this process. This first stage involves prayer. I do not know where to begin. I want to be successful and learn more so I can apply everything towards helping our society. I loved women’s study. I also loved the law enforcement course and Ethics in Criminal Justice.

I have learned the local school district will not even look at an applicant who only has an Associates degree. Was working extremely hard in college to make the Vice President’s Honor Roll and graduating with a 3.6 from Rose State College all done in vain? No employ in my town will hire a person with a physical disability unless it is an entry level job or setting fruits out at Wal Mart. We do not advance in our society the way we should. This must change. I believe this will change. 

Happy birthday to Gregory Sierra, better known as Julio Fuentes on Sanford & Son!! Sierra was born on this day in 1941. As a big Sanford & Son fan, I am very grateful for the laughs he continues to give. I am quite certain his goat is still roaming around Fred's junk yard!

Amanda-Leigh's Songs of the Morning: 
Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything for Love"

Colin Raye's "Little Rock"

Barry Manilow's "Mandy"

Web Links:

Study: Drinking diet soda actually causes weight gain, blood sugar spikes



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