Monday, February 11, 2013

Luigi's Big Day!!

A year ago I wondered what I would do with my notes from biology. I knew I wanted to give them to a fellow college student who could use them with his or her college courses. I did not know who the person would be, and I still not know who the person receiving them is. What I do know this morning is that a young female biology student will be able to use them with her studies.

I have fond memories typing the biology notes. I went into the course with the goal of buckling down and learning. What I found more interesting than the actual biology itself was the history of the founders. For example, the founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel, "failed miserably" (my professor's words) on his college exams. This did not deter Mendel from crossing peas and discovering genetics. This bright man struggled with regular exams the way I did. I was able to relate to this man and remember the story of him.

When I gave my biology notes away to my friend yesterday, I felt really good inside. I remember typing these notes late at night on days I came home from college. I remember typing these notes at the student center on rainy afternoons. I remember scanning picture into the scanner so I could learn better. i was blessed to have a small tape recorder that hooked up to my computer. I would come home and transfer the recordings onto my computer. After I rested in the afternoons, I would be ready to type notes in the evenings and next day.

My husband has not heard back from his interview last week. I am not disappointed in my husband. I am aware my husband had a doctor’s appointment last Monday afternoon. I went with him after sending off official transcript requests in the snail mail that morning. I watched my husband feel terrible with the withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin. Our doctor and her nurse were very concerned with his mental health and rapid weight decrease. Our doctor told my husband she would pray for him to feel better and he needed to eat more.

On the way home, my husband received a phone call from our local child nutrition center requesting an interview for a cook position. The interview would be in two days. My husband’s spirits were lifted. Something revived my husband’s soul. He felt better and more peaceful. On Wednesday, my husband dressed up in a suit and tie. He shaved. He showered. He arrived at the center an hour before his interview.

Three people in authority conducted my husband’s interview. One was the head of the program in our town. The second person was the principal. The third person was a representative from the college. The first person had been told several great things about my husband’s work ethics from substituting over the prior months. My husband had called her from time to time to see if a job opening was available. Prior to this opening, my husband had called the woman and she had told him nothing was available. Almost a day later, my husband logged onto the website and found the opening.

My husband has heard no phone call from this place since. We do not sweat the decision. We are aware my husband did not get hired. In fact, I believe my husband can do much better. I am extremely proud of my husband for taking the time to travel from our home to the nutrition center, especially in the cold weather. My husband was putting his small family’s needs above his own. My husband has a wife and a small Chihuahua to think about. For my husband to go on a job interview while on a medicine transition is admirable in my opinion. The decision to hire my husband was really a no brainer. The position will be open again in a few months, give or take. That’s the way things are when really good people are overlooked. This was their loss, and like my husband tells me, “Keep it moving!”

Luigi is laying in luxury!

Amanda-Leigh's Youtube Video for Monday:

Sweet Brown's "Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!"
Today is our son’s third birthday. Happy birthday, sweet Luigi Bear! Yesterday I realized something that is dear to my heart. No matter how I may picture Luigi growing up into a bigger boy, his ideal place will be beside his Mommy and Daddy. Luigi is not a real human child, I must remember. He is not going to outgrow his parents. He is not going to be embarrassed by our affection and love. I did get teary eyed yesterday when I worried about all of this. At the end of the day, Luigi was curled up by my side. He did have a new medium sized dog bed as an early birthday gift. I love the fact that a new soft fuzzy bed cannot replace the love of parents in a small Chihuahua’s world. I don’t need to have wet eyes anymore. I must be a strong mother for my son and wife for my husband, even with a cold.

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