Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Amanda-Leigh and the Power of Love

A month has passed since I have written on here. My first priority is to serve God in any way possible. My second priority is to keep the marital flames sparking on the home front. My third priority is to educate men and women of my modern society. Combined, these priorities help me stay busy and active. I have a few weeks left until college begins for summer. Everything has been on my mind lately.

I want to let my readers know I am doing better now. During my absence, much has happened. Things in my neighborhood were slowly getting back to normal after my neighbor’s parents moved their son out. After I wrote my last piece, all havoc broke loose. Another neighbor began having early morning arguments and shady guests visiting our area. This created anxiety for my husband and me. We began to argue more due to the negative environment along with one of my husband’s medicine.

My husband stopped attending Celebrated Recovery. After my husband was told to keep everything from me in the form of progress, he decided to stop attending the meetings. One day, my husband approached me to help him with a piece of homework. I provided my husband with some thoughts to jot down. I never read what my husband wrote in his books. In fact, I began to feel my husband slipping away from our marriage. I was home alone the night of Easter. I was home alone on Sunday and Thursday nights. I did not feel as if I had an active role in my husband’s life anymore. I began to felt like Nora in “A Doll’s House.”

I believe in full honesty in a marriage. No man should be telling a group of men things he cannot tell his own wife. When my husband took me before God, he promised to honor me. This means my husband provides me with anything he feels I should be aware of in his life. I am aware of everything surrounding his mental illness, from the terrible voices in his head to the Jehovah Witness nightmares. My husband credits me with having the mind to rationalize for us what should happen. Withholding important information within a marriage is a selfish act of mankind that should be stopped. A wife is to provide ideas and thoughts that will benefit a marriage.

The step we have taken to help our marriage blossom has been counseling. This was a mutual decision. If a patient does not leave an office with tears at first, the counseling session must not be effective. As I partook in the intake process, there were questions over suicide. Did I ever feel suicidal in my life? Yes. Did I have a history of suicide in my genes? Yes. Did I have a history of depression in my genes? Yes. Where were the “no” questions at? I will admit, I did have the normal flighty response at first. But, I never thought of food or drinking a Dr. Pepper to help me survive the intake process. This is something I can honestly discuss.

Normally, when I think of the subject of suicide, I feel like eating more. This is the most uncomfortable topic to discuss aloud and with anybody. You get stereotyped as being insane if you open up about suicide along with how suicide affects other people. This is a socially taboo subject. The truth is that suicide hurts many people. How many people have been affected by suicide?

In literature, suicide for women was the only available option. Women were morally unfit for society if they sought a divorce. Husbands were able to beat their wives, cheat on their wives and bring home venereal diseases that made their wives suffer, and divorce only in the Biblical form, which was committing adultery. Therefore, these women were oppressed and suffered greatly at the hands of bondage for the Church of England. These women were unable to become liberated through education. Pioneer women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Catherine Beecher, and Louisa May Alcott were fortunate enough to be taught in the luxury of their inner circles. These women found an outlet besides suicide. Suicide was not an option for their lives.

I do not believe suicide is an option for my life. God delivered me from blood clots twice in my past. I was provided with the opportunity to go back to college and graduate. I will be going back for more literature and humanity parties. There is too much to live for than to be empowered by suicide. I do not want to be empowered by a concept. I want to outrun suicide the way Forrest Gump outlived his braces as a child. I want to feel like a radiant dove with depression locked inside a glass window the way the J.D. McCarty swimming was in 1985. I want more in this world than to be defined by these conservative roles of womanhood. Strong men and women of literature and the arts have taught me this. And, from childhood the lyrics, “He’s still working on me” is right. Not a day passes where I do not feel God working on me. This is a great feeling to have and share. My strong and wonderful “sheroes” are great enough to share!

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